Full Stack Developer Internship, Pixameter
Tech Stack: Javascript, CSS, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Bootstrap, JqueryIn the summer of 2020 I worked as a full-stack developer at Pixameter, a small start-up specializing in wound measurement. While there, my responsibilities included the following:
- Developed front-end and back-end services to allow patients to share personal information with their medical providers through a telemedicine web application using Node.js and MongoDB.
- Translated high-level requirements and customer needs into new, reliable functionality and intuitive interfaces.
- Designed and implemented a new feature, utilizing Google Cloud API's, to allow users to find nearby pharmaceutical services.
- Improved the existing code-base by introducing Bootstrap grid to achieve responsive design.
Game of Life in React
Tech Stack: React, Create React App, React-BootstrapI created a Game of Life application as a fun way to learn React and satisfy my fascination with cellular automata.
Android Appointment Application
Tech Stack: Java, JUnit, Maven, GradleIntegrated test-driven development practices into the construction of an Android appointment book application in Java to create, organize, and search for appointments.
MIT Battlecode 2020 Tournament
Tech Stack: Java, JUnit, GradleCollaborated with a team in Agile Sprints and created an AI player program in Java to compete in the 2020 MIT Battlecode tournament.
State Covid Tracker
Tech Stack: Javascript, CSS, Node.js, ExpressI created this project as states were beginning to attempt to reopen from Covid-19 shut downs in spring of 2020. I wanted to create a way to compare covid cases numbers between states to analyze the affect reopening descisions were having. I wanted to gain more competency with CSS, so I kept the tech stack to a minimum, rather than rely frameworks, such as Bootstrap. It started out as a single page web application, but later I added an Express backend.
Accessible Image Generator
Tech Stack: Python; Flask; Google Cloud: App Engine, Vision API, DatastoreCreated a Flask web application on Google Cloud’s App Engine utilizing Google’s Vision API to automatically generate accessible HMTL image tags for uploaded photos in Cloud Storage.
Star Battle Solver
Tech Stack: Python, PyUnitSimilar to Sudoku, the puzzle board is divided into regions where each region, row, and column can contain no more than two stars and stars may not be placed adjacently. I implemented the AC-3 constraint satisfaction algorithm to solve these puzzles. The AC-3 algorithm uses a back-tracking search. At each step a feasible move is attempted, then any moves that are no longer feasible are eliminated. Additionally, checks occur to make sure that the board is not impossible to solve given the current configuration. If it is, it backtracks to the last move and tries an alternative feasible star placement.
Cellular Automata in Haskell
Tech Stack: Haskell, HUnitCourses, such as Artificial Intelligence and Theory of Computation left me intrigued by the idea of cellular automata and other simple computational models. I created an interactive program in Haskell that allows users to input starting configurations of alive cell and rules to determine which cells reproduce, so they can discover for them selves new intriguing patterns. This project served as a great learning opportunity to become more fluent coding using functional paradigms and also gave me a solid understanding of language concepts such as the type system, which has helped me understand more fully other strongly typed languages, such as Java.